
电子游戏试玩重视多样性、公平、包容和社会正义. 我们承认并尊重有色人种, 残疾人士, 我们的LGBTQIAP+社区, 我们的国际社会, varied languages, age groups, 宗教团体, 缺医少药人群, 不同的社会经济背景和许多其他社区和群体共同增强, 丰富和加强我们的ISU梧桐大家庭. 我们很自豪能成为一个以仆人为主导,以学生为中心的机构!

我们的策略计划, 关注我们共同的未来, 反映了我们对建设包容性卓越校园的机构承诺, 确保每个人都感到被欣赏, respected, valued, and welcome. 无论是在我们的住宿校园,混合,还是通过远程教育.

ISU的毕业生被授权成为有责任心和文化敏锐的领导者, 在本地分享他们的技能和才能, 国内和国际. 我们的愿景反映了批判性思维的整合, 文化能力, and conscientious respect for varied perspectives to empower students to live and work in a democratic society. Our core values reassure members of the ISU community that their role and responsibility is critical to the well-being of our long-term commitment that fosters a shared responsibility that holds the campus community accountable for the progress of diversity, 公平与包容.

The 多样性、包容性和归属感办公室 was established in 2016 to support Indiana State University's goal of becoming an inclusive-excellent campus. 电子游戏试玩有着悠久的校园多样性历史. 代表超过65个国家, our campus community recognizes the importance of maintaining an environment that not only recognizes individual differences, but empowers our community to learn and grow from a culture that embodies inclusive excellence in all of its complexities. 

我们提供教育, training, 支持服务, 促进跨校园合作, and enterprise-wide leadership to the campus and our community to build an inclusive culture for all students, faculty and staff.

我们鼓励您查看我们的战略计划, 关注我们共同的未来, 了解更多关于大学范围内的责任, 支持Sycamore社区所有成员的目标和宗旨.




Inclusion-reports          Inclusion-Excellence-Awards


融入计划             Inclusion-Events




We value the individuals and groups that make up and represent Indiana State University and the Terre Haute community. 我们重视一个所有人, from all levels, can participate, contribute, and have a voice. We value the power of listening and the opportunity that creates when we are open to hear what others have to offer. 我们重视我们的责任和它对我们社区所有人所代表的管理. We value YOU!



We envision a university community that reflects the population of Indiana and the nation with respect to students, faculty, 支持工作人员和行政管理,超越社会和结构障碍,实现平等. We also envision a university community that understands what is necessary to achieve such a goal and appreciates why such a goal is beneficial.



Contact Us

Rankin Hall 419
(812) 237-8954

Faculty & Staff Resources

Faculty and staff are at the core of the academic mission and a resource that requires intensive investment of time with respect to recruitment, hiring, and retention. 我们的策略计划 reinforces this point when it emphasizes the importance of attracting excellent candidates to the institution and providing them an environment of support and growth opportunity. 该计划还强调了多元化教职员工的重要性, particularly with respect to race and ethnicity that is more highly reflected in our student body.

多样性是一种卓越的形式,我们可以在ISU做更多的事情来实现它. Research is clear – heterogeneous organizations provide numerous benefits and for both majority and minority communities.


Other Resources



多元化办公室, Inclusion, 归属感支持教职员工的电子游戏试玩发展.  You can request funding from the department if you plan to attend a professional development activity that relates to inclusive excellence.  如欲申请资助,请填写以下资助申请.


多元化办公室, Inclusion, 和归属感很乐意与你合作,在包容性卓越方面教育我们的校园.  请填写提案表格,让我们知道我们如何合作.  


Affinity Groups

Student Resources

Students play an intricate part in establishing and maintaining an inclusive excellence environment.  为了感觉自己有能力尽自己的一份力, 对国际州立大学校园社区有归属感是很重要的.  学生中心之间, 学生组织, 规划和资助机会, 我们希望你能找到自己作为一棵真正的梧桐树的身份.


多元化办公室有两种资助方式, Inclusion, “归属”提供给国际州立大学的本科生或研究生.  Please use the Internet Explorer browser to apply for either the 团结一致,成就卓越.E.A)基金或电子游戏试玩发展基金.

团结一致,成就卓越.E.A) Funding 

 The T.E.A funding was created to foster collaboration amongst the student body while promoting unity with respect to programming across campus.  In order to receive this funding individual students or 学生组织 must partner with another fellow student or student organization to create a programming on campus that benefits the entire student body.  The only criteria for the funding is that the individual students or 学生组织 must meet two of the inclusive excellence categories.  两者必有差异:(1)种族, (2) gender, (3)性取向, (四)公民身份, 或(5)能力pg电子游戏试玩.  最高预算要求是750美元.  签证申请.E.A. 资金可以在下面找到.


The 多样性、包容性和归属感办公室 supports the continuous professional development of all undergraduate and graduate students.  我们将在财务上支持您在多元化领域的电子游戏试玩发展, inclusion, 以及包容性卓越.  申请资助可以在下面找到. 

PDF icon proposal_form_inclusive_excellence.pdf

Student Centers

Native American


Veterans (SVA)



Indiana State University's alumni association does an excellent job keeping alumni and friends connected and involved.  各种各样的事件之间, 俱乐部的选择, 总有庆祝成为梧桐的方式.  请花时间浏览校友会网页,并保持联系!


电子游戏试玩多样性办公室, Inclusion, 和归属感欢迎有机会共同赞助活动.  如果你的活动或演讲者与创造包容性卓越的文化相一致, 你可以向我们部门申请共同赞助.  我们期待与您的合作.



Contact Us

Rankin Hall 419
(812) 237-8954




Dr. Xavia Burton


Linda Hair




Dr. 凯瑟琳·李,临时主席兼副教授

Email: Katherine.Lee@sh-fyz.com

Dr. 莱恩·马瑟斯,多学科研究助理教授

Email: Lain.Mathers@sh-fyz.com


Dr. JaDora Sailes副教授

Email: JaDora.Sailes@sh-fyz.com


Dr. 米尔顿·索托-法拉利,助理教授

Email: Milton.Soto-Ferrari@sh-fyz.com


Dr. 丹尼斯·柯林斯,研究生和电子游戏试玩研究学院院长

Email: Denise.Collins@sh-fyz.com


Dr. 卡罗琳·马洛里,卫生与公共服务学院院长

Email: Caroline.Mallory@sh-fyz.com

Dr. 詹妮弗·托德,健康与人类服务学院助理教授

Email: Jennifer.Todd@sh-fyz.com


Mrs. 罗宾·克拉姆,图书馆服务主任

Email: Robin.Crumrin@sh-fyz.com

Mr. 格里高利·扬根,图书馆副院长

Email: Gregory.Yougen@sh-fyz.com

Honors College

Dr. 格雷戈里·比尔利,荣誉学院院长

Email: Gregory.Bierly@sh-fyz.com

Ms. Laura Froelicher -数据分析,通信和外联主管

Email: Laura.Froelicher@sh-fyz.com


Dr. 内斯利·阿尔普,贝利工程与技术学院院长

Email: Nesli.Alp@sh-fyz.com

Dr. Amanda Muhammad, 贝利工程技术学院教授,大学学院研究员

Email: Amanda.Muhammad@sh-fyz.com


Dr. 阿德尔·桑德斯,住宅生活和住房执行董事

Email: Ardell.Sanders@sh-fyz.com


Dr. 谘询及心理服务总监周志强

Email: LKenneth.Chew@sh-fyz.com


Ms. 霍普·威廉姆斯,包容性卓越和无障碍资源协调员

Email: Hope.Williams@sh-fyz.com


Contact Us

Rankin Hall 419
(812) 237-8954


Indiana State University officials have hired an exceptional leader as associate vice president for inclusive excellence and strategic initiatives.

Rana Johnson, Ph.D., 从缅因州的团结学院来到电子游戏试玩, where she has served the past two years as the institution’s chief diversity and inclusion officer.

电子游戏试玩的新职位上, Johnson will provide leadership for efforts to develop a campus environment that appreciates diversity in all its forms and will enhance existing initiatives and implement new efforts as required to fulfill the university’s strategic plan. 

“我们很自豪拥有印第安纳州所有大学中最多元化的学生群体, and we look forward to Rana working to establish us as a model of inclusive excellence in the Midwest and beyond,迈克·利卡里说, 电子游戏试玩教务长兼学术事务副校长.


“我很荣幸能成为电子游戏试玩领导团队的一员, and I look forward to collaborating with President Deborah Curtis and Provost Mike Licari to promote diversity, 整个校园社区的公平和包容,” Johnson said."

她在团结学院的角色, 约翰逊与该机构的高层领导合作,促进多样性, 公平与包容. She also provided expertise in policy development and encouraged accountability for the institution’s diversity, equity, 包容和社会正义倡议.

在Unity学院之前, Johnson worked at the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education (CPE) from 1999 to 2017 in a variety of roles, 最后担任多元化拓展和特殊项目的高级助理. In that capacity, she managed the coordination of the Committee on Equal Opportunities and organized campus visits that included planning and assessment of the Statewide Diversity Policy, 学生编程和最佳实践.

Johnson has earned numerous awards for her work and has presented at dozens of diversity and inclusion events. She is a graduate of the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) Doctoral Scholars Program and volunteers each year to oversee the Compact for Faculty Diversity’s faculty recruitment fair.

“I am thrilled Dr. 经过激烈的求职过程,约翰逊加入了我们. Given her long, 在高等教育和包容性卓越领域的各种成功的职业生涯, 我相信她会成为学校和社会的宝贵财富,克里斯·奥尔森说, 文理学院院长兼遴选委员会主席. “Also, 我特别感激的是, and impressed by, 我们多元化和专注的搜索委员会的成员, 谁代表了校园里广泛的选区.”

约翰逊获得了肯塔基大学的哲学博士学位, a master’s degree in speech communication from Eastern New Mexico University and a bachelor’s degree in mass communication from Spalding University.




Contact Us

Rankin Hall 419
(812) 237-8954